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Pupil Voice 2022-2023

Eco Committee 2022/23

ECO Committee 2019/2020

Eco Committee 2018/19


School Watch Action Team (SWAT)

Bryn Deri’ s School Council is known as SWAT which stands for School Watch Action Team.

Each year, one boy and one girl from Year 2 to Year 6 are elected by their class as SWAT representatives.

We have joined SWAT because we all want to help be part of change in school, to make a difference and to share our ideas. We are Super Ambassadors for promoting awareness of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child. We are working towards becoming 'A Rights Respecting School'.


At our meetings we discuss any ideas or comments or problems that have been suggested by our fellow pupils. Sometimes the suggestion box is very full! We also give presentations on topical issues, Anti-Bullying and Red Nose Day to name but a few.














Criw Cymraeg

Meet our Criw Cymraeg

SNAG - School Nutrition Action Group

From little acorns, tall oak trees grow
