Gwaith Catref
Children have been asked to prepare a persuasive speech on the development of housing around the area. Children have been split into two groups, some will be arguing the positives of the development whilst the other half will argue the negatives of the development. Children will need to prepare prompts to bring in with them to school on the first day back.
Remember we are looking for persuasive language!
Bug Club-
Pupils have all been allocated two books to read and decode over the holidays. Pupils must complete and answer all comprehension questions.
Abacus maths-
A few games have been allocated to children already. Over the weekend a few more tasks will be given to children to complete. These games have been allocated to the children to recap learning.
To simplify prompts of their Dyma Fi presentation. Practice presentations, to be recoreded after the holidays.
I hope you have all enjoyed the snow and taken the time to make memories! Could I just remind you all that some of you still have not completed the readings allocated to you on Bug Club. I recommend that you log on to the website and get started. The work will only mount up! I am allocating you another book to practice skills of comprehension, remember comprehension is not only vital to Literacy but Numeracy and many other subjects.
I will be catching up with people on Monday to those who have completed the first reading.
Many thanks,
Miss Lewis.
Gwaith Catref-
February half term-
Over half term, children will be sent home with a few pieces of homework. Homework that is being sent home is to benefit your learning and widen your experiences. Now, Bryn Deri has a very busy week after half term with the school Eisteddfod taking place on the 01/03/2018 to celebrate St David's Day. With this event fast approaching, the first task will be to learn the set verses of 'Calon Lan' and the poetry.
Secondly, I ask if you could prepare notes (bullet points) for your Welsh oracy task 'Dyma Fi'. You will all be recorded in the first two weeks back after half term. Your plans that you are doing in class will be photocopied and sent home to use.
Finally, just a small amount of maths. I am sending home Your Big Maths folders. Any missed Big Maths challenges will need to be completed by the Monday!
Please make sure to have all of your homework completed by Monday 26/02/2018.
Many thanks and have a lovely half term,
Miss Lewis