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Stratford Upon Avon Trip

We are all looking forward to our trip to Stratford Upon Avon tomorrow. Please could you note the following in preparation for our visit, diolch:


Please could you ensure your child:

  • Wears school uniform, school shoes and a coat.
  • Has a packed lunch, with some healthy snacks for the long day and a drink (no glass).
  • Small bag of sweets for the return journey only (optional) 
  • £5 spending money (optional)
  • Asthma pump if required


Please could you notify me when dropping your child off if they have any allergies to nature products such as walnuts, leather, feathers or beeswax.


I look forward to seeing you all at school around 6.50am for a 7am departure time. We aim to return by 5pm, however notification will be provided if we are delayed. Please follow the adventures throughout the day on our class twitter feed @bdps_18




Mr Eldridge 

Pictures from out trip

From little acorns, tall oak trees grow
