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Cardiff Council School Meal Menu

Parents and Carers can access the Cardiff School Meals Menu by logging in to Parent Pay.

From November 6th pupils in Year 4 will be entitled to universal free school meals in addition to pupils in Reception, Years 1,2 and 3. . Meals should be ordered a week in advance (Thursdays)  via Parent Pay. You will not be charged for meals booked if your child is entitled to Universal Free School Meals, but the kitchen needs to know orders in advance to ensure the correct food orders. 



Please not that Universal School Meal provision does not impact on your entitlement to Free School Meals and other support which is available. Find out how to apply  here

​​​Primary and secondary school pupils will get free school meals if their family receives:​

  • Income Support
  • Income Related Employment Support Allowance
  • Income Based Jobs Seeker’s Allowance
  • Guarantee Element of State Pension Credit, or
  • Child Tax Credit with an income less than £16,190
  • Universal Credit if the net household earnings is less than £7400.

*Families who get Working Tax Credit do not qualify. ​

Once you submit an application, you will be notified in writing of the outcome.

If you are eligible for free school meals, your child’s school will be notified so that they can update their records. 

Therapeutic Menu

Should your child have any  food allergies that we need to know about,

  • Parents/carers must consult with their health professional in regard to their child’s specific dietary need.
  • Parents/carers or their chosen health professional should contact Education Catering at to outline the specific dietary requirement.
  • A member of the Education Catering Operations Team will liaise with the prates/carers/health professional to develop where possible a menu and environment that addresses the pupil’s specific dietary needs.
  • The agreed menu will then be implemented in school

Please note that when considering the safe provision of a meal to a child with a severe allergy Cardiff Education Catering  will follow the recommendation of the health professional. Additionally, they are unable to provide a therapeutic diet to pupils of primary school age without the guidance of a health professional. Where a pupil has a complex need, Cardiff Education Catering are happy to work with parents/carers, schools and pupils to develop a school meal solution.

Education Catering operates and maintains an allergen matrix, which lists all the 14 allergens listed under retained EU regulation 1169/2011 Food Information to Consumers that appear or may appear in dishes on their menu. This matrix is available upon request.

From little acorns, tall oak trees grow
