Homework 3.5.19
A homework sheet has been given out today to all children in homework books/bags. Diolch.
Homework 12.04.19
A past paper has been given out to all the children in class today. Please check bags/homework books.
Thank you and have a great Easter holidays!
Mr Davies and Miss Coomber
Homework 5.4.19
A homework sheet has been given out to all the children in class today. Please check bags/homework books. Thank you.
Homework 22.03.19
We are continuing our work on our topic 'Road Trip USA'. In line with this, the homework is related to landmarks in Washington.
Please could your child select a famous landmark in Washington, print out a picture of it and stick it in their homework books. Underneath the picture could your child please sketch their own version of the landmark.
If you are unable to print and stick a picture into the homework book, a sketch of the landmark will do!
Homework 15.3.19
As we are now starting our new topic in Year 4 'Road Trip USA' the homework this week will be related to this theme.
There have been many U.S presidents over the last 100 years. How many can you find? Write a short biography about one of them.
Please can the homework be returned on Tuesday 19th March.
5th December 2018.
Homework this week will be to look at probability. Work will be sent home in homework books and see below.
You can always extend this activity by coming up with some statements of your own.
Mrs Netherway.
Homework 29th November
There are spellings to learn in the children's homework books this week.
Homework 21st November 2018
We are currently practising for the Christmas Concert. The songs and lyrics are on the school webpage, so take some time to learn the words.
This weeks homework takes an artistic theme. Look at an example of a decorative bottle and draw a sketch of it.
Look at perfume bottles or any example that you can find.
Mrs Netherway.
8th November 2018.
Homework for next week. We will be focusing on exploring States of Matter. Can the children bring to school a small plastic bottle and a balloon. Can you also access Reading Bugs on Active Learn. Books have been updated recently.
Mrs Netherway.
4th October 2018
Homework this week will be to research and write a paragraph about a Roman invention.
Challenge for thought!
How did this invention impact on British life?
This weeks homework is a reading task about the Romans. Try to read the text and answer the questions. See below the link.
8th October 2018.
Maths Factor.
This weeks homework will be to access the set course on your Active Learn account. This will support our work in the classroom where we are reinforcing the x3 and x6 tables. We are planning to achieve quick mental recall. Follow the course and progress through the stages at your own pace.
If you have difficultly accessing your account do not hesitate to inform us. We will help asap.
Mrs Netherway.