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Famous person homework (PV)

On Google Classroom

Set: 18th September

Due: 27th September

Choose a famous person who represents a sport/ hobby. You could choose a famous swimmer, rugby player, gymnast, chef, artist name just a few. Your task is to create a piece of work about them. This could be a slideshow, fact file, drawing, speech, or any other way you'd like. Please use your own words - do not copy and paste from websites.

Story writing and maths

See Google Classroom for tasks and resources

Set: 24th September

Due: 04th October

1. PV: Use docs to write a 100 - 300 word short story linked to our our topic 'Hamdden'. It could be an adventurous, funny, scary or sci-fi! Only choose one or two main characters and include interesting descriptions.

2. Maths task 


A Guide to Google Classroom

Year 6 Reading Bookmark

From little acorns, tall oak trees grow
