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Could you please support your child through listening to them read. Books have been allocated to your child via ActiveLearn Bug Club. There are also maths games available for them to play via Active Learn to support them with their maths. Along with this could you consistently ask real life questions that links in time, multiplications, money, etc. 




As part of One World Week Y5 have been creating scripts for their Newsround reports ready to film. Can they please support their group in completing their scripts in preparation for practice and filming. 




This week's homework will involve preparations for our 'One World Week'. Our country of focus is Indonesia and as part of studying the country we are focus on the impact it has on pollution, in particular plastic pollution on the rest of the world. I'd like you to research some facts on plastic pollution in Indonesia and write these down in your homework books to give us a good basis for our work next week. Many of the facts you will collect will be numbers, therefore this homework will cover literacy and numeracy work. Think about what these facts mean and don't just write them down.   




Literacy - In your homework books write around 10 homophones with their different spellings and a sentence to put it in the correct context. For example knight/night - The knight fought hard to defend his castle. The children slept deeply through the night at Storey Arms.  


Maths - Reverse digit, same product worksheet.




Maths - Maths game allocated and maths homework sheet to complete please.


Literacy - 100wc - This weeks prompt is   …the light blinded him…  Please be creative and imaginative to to include this prompt in your 100 words. You could link this in with our topic of energy.


Spellings - Topical words




Science/Maths - Over the holidays I'd like you to record the meter readings for you families gas and electricity usage in your home. Think of how you could record your results. You will need to record the meter readings at the beginning of the holidays and at the end of the holidays (don't forget the unit of measurement) for both electricity and gas. Could you then calculate how much you have used over the Christmas break. This data will be used in class on our return.


Hope you have a happy Christmas and New Year. See you all in 2019 :)

From little acorns, tall oak trees grow
