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Support for Parents

A School Essentials Grant is available to assist families on a low income to buy school uniform, sports kit, uniform for enrichment activities, school bags, stationery etc. Please note IT equipment is excluded from this grant. 


  • All year groups in a maintained primary school 
  • Years 7, 8, 9, 10 or Year 11 of a maintained secondary school
  • A special school, a special needs resource base or a pupil referral unit, and are aged 4 to 15 
  • The grant is also available to all looked after children of compulsory school age based in a Cardiff school.


If your child is in primary or secondary school

You could get a grant of £200 per child if they are starting year 7.

You could get a grant of £125 per child if they attend primary school or are in years 8, 9, 10, or 11. 


As the applying parent or guardian, you must get one of the following:


  • Income Support,
  • Jobseeker's Allowance (income-based),
  • Employment Support Allowance (income related),
  • Child Tax Credit, with a household income of £16,190 or less,
  • Pension Credit (guarantee element), or
  • Universal Credit with net household earnings of less than £7,400.


If you receive Working Tax Credit, you will not be entitled to the grant.


If you get free school meals due to transitional protection, you will only be eligible if you meet the criteria.

If you meet the criteria, please complete the School Essentials Grant application form. We will check if you are entitled to this payment with the Department for Work and Pensions.

From little acorns, tall oak trees grow
