St. David's Day is fast approaching and we will be celebrating with our annual Eisteddfod at Bryn Deri. This year's class competitions for Dosbarth 2 will be:
Class Song: Pen, Ysgwyddau, Coesau, Traed
Class Poem: Gee Geffyl Bach
We will also have individual competitions for art, poetry and handwriting.
Gee Geffyl Bach
Gee geffyl bach yn cario ni'n dau,
Dros y mynydd i hela cnau.
Dwr yn yr afon a'r cerrig yn slic,
Cwympo ni'n dau. Wel dyna chi dric!
It would be lovely if you have time over half term to go over our poem. Thank you very much, have a great half term.
Whole School Homework Task
Please click on the link below to view.