The co-operation of parents regarding uniform is very much appreciated, although we recognise that the wearing of school uniform in primary schools is not compulsory. The school has a School Uniform Policy which clearly sets out the aims of supporting a school uniform in Bryn Deri. We would request that pupils wear shoes and not trainers to school. This not only looks smarter but is healthier for the pupils themselves.
All pupils are expected to wear uniform from Reception onwards. Many parents choose for their children to wear uniform in nursery too.
Our local uniform provider Safe Wear can be found at;
Unit 1 Lewis Road, East Moors, Cardiff, CF24 5EB Tel 02920 496585
On line orders can also be made here
Items will be delivered to school for collection.
Our uniform is;
Royal Blue sun caps are also available with the school logo. School book bags £5.00 unique to Bryn Deri, are also available from Safewear.
Children are required to have a PE kit which should be kept in a PE bag (preferably “draw string” to hang on a peg).
School PE Kit consists of:
Children should wear School PE kit to school on their designated PE days.