Welcome to Class 1's Class Page.
Hope you have all had a wonderful summer holiday and are looking forward to our new school year, with lots of exciting new learning topics and an opportunity to to develop new skills.
The many projects we will be covering this year will develop your sense of adventure, curiosity and broaden your knowledge and understanding whilist working independently, as part of a group and in pairs.
Whilst Literacy Numeracy, Personal Social,Emotional Wellbeing and Cultural Diversity along with Physical Development are the four main areas of learning we will be focusing on, we will be planning work in line with the Areas of Learning laid down within 'A Curriculum for Wales'.
The Projects we will be studying are as follows:
Memory Box
Enchanted Woodland
Moon Zoom
Scented Garden
Rio de Vida
Dinosaur Planet
Looking forward to a busy, funfilled year!
Don't forget to come back and look and see what we have been up to in Class 1.
Miss Evans
Mrs Peduzzi