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Additional Learning Needs (ALN)

Equity for All


The school aims to provide full access to the whole curriculum to all pupils. If any child has a disability, they have the right to special care and education (Article 23 UN Rights of the Child Convention). At Bryn Deri our  highly skilled teaching assistants are at hand to work specifically with particular individual pupils or groups of pupils to ensure that the needs of all pupils are met. We also work closely with our colleagues in the outside Support Agencies to provide the very best provision for all pupils enabling them to 'be the best that they can be', (Article 29 UNCRC). 

Addition Learning Needs (ALN)

Still image for this video
Additional Learning Needs and Provision is changing. Watch this short video to see how this will affect provision and procedures at Bryn Deri Primary School.

Changes to ALN Funding 2023

Changes to Additional Learning Needs Framework and Provision


The Additional Learning Needs and Education Tribunal (Wales) Bill was passed by the National Assembly for Wales in December 2017. The legislation then received Royal Assent in January 2018 and became the additional Learning Needs and Education Tribunal (Wales) Act 2018. The act makes provision for a new statutory framework for supporting children and young people with additional learning needs (ALN). The Act replaces legislation around special educational needs (SEN) and the assessment of children and young people with learning difficulties and or disabilities (DD).

The school is working towards the three overarching objectives:

  • To provide a unified legislative framework to support children and young people aged 0-25 with ALN in schools and further education institutions (FEIs)
  • To promote an integrated, collaborative process of assessment, planning and monitoring which facilitates early, timely and effective interventions
  • To have a fair and transparent system for providing information and advice for resolving concerns and appeals


As such processes and procedures are being refined and updated in line with new expectations wherever deemed appropriate. 


Additional Learning Needs (ALN)


We cater for children with a wide range of  learning needs within the school environment. Most children’s needs can be met by universal provision. This may include:


  • Completing work set at their level in class by their teacher 
  • Using resources available to all children to support their learning 
  • Receiving additional support through an intervention to boost their learning in an area of weakness


Sometimes children may need a more personalised approach. If this is the case the teacher will meet with the parents to come up with a personalised learning plan called a SMART plan. A SMART plan gives a pupil Small, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant Targets to work on over a 6-week period. After the 6-weeks it is reviewed by the teacher with the parents and pupil. The pupil may receive another 6-week SMART plan, or no longer need a plan at all. This process can continue until the pupil’s needs have been addressed.


After two 6-week plans if a child is still struggling to make progress they may need to be investigated to see if they have Additional Learning Needs (ALN). Pupils with ALN will usually have a significantly greater difficulty in learning than the majority of others of the same age. A 35 day (term time) process will begin. The teacher will work with the Additional Learning Needs Coordinator, other professionals, the parents and the pupil to decide whether the child does have ALN. A Person-Centred Meeting (PCM) will be scheduled for week 4 where evidence will be assessed and a decision will be made whether a learner has ALN.


If ALN are identified an Individual Development Plan (IDP) will be written and the Additional Learning Provision will begin at the end of the 35 days. If ALN are not identified then the pupil will continue with the 6-week SMART plans and parents will be directed on how to best support their child at home.


A parent may appeal the decision with the local authority. Who have 4-weeks to respond. 


More Able and Talented (MAT)


At Bryn Deri we endeavour to help every child reach their full potential. We follow the Welsh Government guidance for More Able and Talented Pupils (MAT). Pupils are identified using a range of methods and their needs addressed as appropriate to ensure support and challenge. We consult regularly with parents regarding the changing needs of their child or children and asking them to let us know their child’s out of school hours talents and achievements. These are celebrated in whole school assemblies and on our website.


English as an Additional Language (EAL)


The needs of all our pupils with EAL are clearly identified through a Needs Assessment. All staff have received relevant training and have worked in conjunction with outside agencies to ensure that specialist teaching resources, carefully planned programmes of study and strategies are implemented effectively to overcome barriers to learning.

From little acorns, tall oak trees grow
