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Long Ago

Our first week, we have had lots of fun with our new friends.

We have been learning how we have grown and changed since we were babies. We looked at our baby photographs and had lots of fun trying to work out which one were our friends. We read the book PEEPO by Alan and Janet Ahlberg and discussed what babies need to keep them safe and happy.

What do babies need?

Write dance - making big movements to small movements to help us with mark making

Learning about recycling using the book the Messy Magpie. We were shocked coming into Nursery; there was rubbish all over our garden. We worked together to collect the rubbish and sort the rubbish into the correct recycling bins. We reused the recycling to make some junk modelling. 

We read the book 'We Are All Different' - we looked at what we looked like, our favourite toys, our families and what is our favourite things we like to do. We made a display in our classroom with our faces and speech bubbles with our thoughts to show how we are all different but good friends.

From little acorns, tall oak trees grow
