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Assessment, Progress and Reporting

Assessment is an integral part of the Curriculum at Bryn Deri and given high priority. A range of Assessment for Learning, Assessment in Learning and Assessment of Learning is used at Bryn Deri to continually raise standards. 

Assessment of learning helps set targets for the future and monitors progress towards targets. Formal, informal, standardised and non-standardised tests are used to inform attainment and future action.

Assessment for learning helps to identify the next steps needed to make progress. It takes account of pupils’ strengths as well as weaknesses. Assessment for learning essentially promotes future learning and involves the children in their learning.


The school provides clear, rigorous yet manageable procedures for assessing, tracking and monitoring pupil progress, wellbeing, attendance and behaviour.

The school uses a range of tools to track and monitor pupil progress from their starting points and ensure that all groups of pupils are identified and that their needs are met very well. The information gathered is used highly effectively to identify relevant issues and respond appropriately to the outcomes of tracking and monitoring, for example through provision such as additional literacy and numeracy interventions, emotional health and wellbeing interventions such as ELSA and Thrive or a range of support available in liaison with the cluster wellbeing officer. This results in the school addressing any underachievement robustly and ensuring success for all.


Pupils will be formally assessed by :

  • On entry Baseline 
  • Continuous Assessment by the teacher (T. A.)
  • National Literacy and Numeracy Tests years 2 - 6
  • A range of school based baseline/progress tests in reading spelling and mathematics





Personalised assessments : An introduction for parents/carers

Personalised Assessments - Learner feedback explained

Personalised Assessments are adaptive, meaning that questions are selected based on the responses to previous questions. This provides a tailored assessment experience for each learner and will help all learners develop their skills through understanding what they can do, the things they need to work on, and their next steps.

Informing Parents

Parents are given specially arranged opportunities to talk to their child’s teacher during the course of the year. Parents are kept regularly informed of their child's development by means of Parent Consultation Evenings held twice a year, together with a Written Report at the end of the academic year.


End of year reports to parents are clear, consistent and informative and include targets  for the coming year. They are thorough in meeting the statutory requirements of A Curriculum for Wales. Pupils and parents are given the opportunity to respond to their child’s report and their child’s SMART Plan or IDP where appropriate. Targets are referred to at the subsequent parents’ consultation meeting and progress discussed in addition to updating pupil 'All about Me' one page profiles.

From little acorns, tall oak trees grow
