The curriculum at Bryn Deri is everything a learner experiences in pursuit of the four purposes. It is not simply what we teach but how we teach and crucially why we teach it.
We pride ourselves on providing access to the curriculum for all, enabling success for all and the opportunity for pupils to reach their full potential and become 'Happy Confident Caring Creative Children with a Positive Attitude to Life and Learning'.
Pedagogy, pronounced peh·duh·go·jee, originates from the Greek word paidagogos, comprising of two root words: paidos (child) and agogos (leader). Today, we use the word pedagogy to mean the art or science of teaching children. Put simply, pedagogy is the way that the teacher delivers the content of the curriculum to the pupils – for example, the teaching style used, and theories employed. Teachers may use different pedagogical approaches depending on the age and needs of the pupils, the content being delivered, and the research they have read.
At Bryn Deri, teachers ensures an extremely wide range of pedagogical approaches and resources are available to engage the interest of all pupils and to challenge all groups of learners. There is a very good balance between teacher input and pupils learning independently in groups or individually. Pupils work as a whole class, individually, in pairs and small groups and have a choice in what and how they learn.
Teachers plan well-timed and innovative lessons that capture pupils’ imagination and meet the needs of all learners including those with additional learning needs, enabling them to apply their knowledge and skills successfully to real-life situations. Planning is of a very high quality and benefits from a purposeful thematic curriculum, which is adapted to include authentic learning opportunities within the locality, Wales and the World.
Teachers are skilled at adapting their planning to respond to pupils’ excitement for enrichment events, such as One World Week, Day of European Languages, International Literacy Day, St. Dwynwen's Day and Roald Dahl Day etc. Staff across the school encourage pupils to make choices about what and how they learn and display on pupil voice boards. In their planning they then design activities that take account of their choices and develop their independent learning skills effectively. Opportunities to help pupils successfully meet the four purposes of the curriculum are at the heart of all learning.
Teachers ensure that all classes, including outdoor areas, are stimulating and engaging environments in which all groups of learners including the most able learners, can learn productively and benefit from high quality experiential learning. Provision for pupils to develop skills in literacy, numeracy, ICT and Welsh are evident within the classroom displays which enable all pupils to access cross curricular learning. Displays providing support for growth mindset, restorative approaches and pupil voice are real and relevant.
Teacher’s and support staff provide clear instructions and explanations. Teachers deploy the skills of teaching assistants highly effectively to support pupils with specific needs. Support staff are highly skilled in specific interventions which benefit identified pupils within the class. As a result, nearly all lessons take account of individual pupils’ needs effectively. Questioning techniques are highly effective in drawing out further pupils’ responses to gauge their understanding and enable pupils to make very good progress.
Working relationships between pupils and staff are strong. In all class, members of staff implement the school’s Ethos, Behaviour and Attitudes policy well. As a result, standards in behaviour are very high and there is a positive climate for learning in all classes.